Musical Director, Vikram Goonawardena


Vikram is a Fijian born Australian opera singer and musician currently studying a Bachelor of Music at the Queensland Conservatorium. Since 2015 he has been a member of many choral organisations in Brisbane; however, his barbershop origins began at age 8 with The Blenders (then, the Banana Blenders) on the Gold Coast. 

A founding member of Lucis, Brisbane’s foremost choral ensemble, he has performed extensively across a number of genres including Gesualdo, Machaut, Rachmaninov, Handel, Puccini, Wagner, and Mozart. Vikram will continue to perform as a singer and/or conductor over a wide range of recitals and operas. 

Vikram comes to Brisbane City Sounds in a return to barbershop and choral music as a director and hopes to inspire the chorus with a strong foundation in vocal health and production and a broad but sound range of repertoire.

The chorus very much enjoyed our preparation for and performance at the annual Sweet Adelines Convention and Competition held last year in our own Brisbane Convention Centre. It was a wonderful weekend of over 800 women singing barbershop, with 23 choruses competing from around Australia! 

In May this year, 2024, we chose to travel across Australia this time to the Convention in Fremantle, W. A., where we sang, dined and had lots of fun together.

It was a wonderful chance to again catch up with our sister choruses from all over Australia, and to perform once more on the big stage, with international judges providing feedback and workshops in the craft of singing in close harmonies.

Brisbane City Sounds looks forward to further perfecting of our craft with Vikram as we sing in more concerts, gigs and collaborations across our region.




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