Brisbane City Sounds Takes on Hobart

Brisbane City Sounds Takes on Hobart
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Michelle Neller
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, 4 Jun 2018

Sweet Adelines Australia Convention and Competition 2018

Brisbane City Sounds is proud to have successfully competed in the Sweet Adelines Australia Convention and Competition in Hobart on 19 May. In a field of 23 choruses, BCS placed 13th – improving our previous score by 18 points (from 518 to 536) and moving up a grade. Led for the first time by Musical Director Kelly Shepard, BCS presented Love Letters as the ballad, and Peter Allen's When I Get My Name in Lights as the uptune. The audience responded particularly well to our uptune, especially the staged lighting effect at the climax of the song.

Hobart hosted a wonderful convention at the Wrest Point Casino, despite some areas of the complex being inoperative as a result of flooding the previous week. The afterglow on Saturday night after the chorus competition, themed for the royal wedding, was well attended by many wearing fabulous royal costumes and tiaras. Our chorus was fortunate to be chosen for coaching during the Sunday morning workshop, and gained some valuable pointers from the judges.

Other highlights of the weekend included joining with 900+ voices in the mass sing, watching the quartet competition, and socialising with BCS members and members of choruses from all over Australia.

In addition to Kelly, five of our members – Olivia, Suzi, Anne, Edit and Courtney – experienced the weird and wonderful world of a Sweet Adelines convention for the first time! Let's hope they are hooked like the rest of us are!

Thanks go to Kelly and our leadership team members, who worked extremely hard in the lead-up to convention. And well done to the BCS marketing team, which was presented with an ‘Outstanding’ in the Marketing Awards, for our Membership Drive and Community Outreach.

Finally, a huge thanks to everyone who sent us well-wishes, cheered us on via the webcast, and helped us on our journey. We really appreciate all the support!

Kelly with his new BCS shirt - also showing off his false eye lashes; Leela and Michelle at the royal wedding afterglow.

Feature image:  Helen, Margery, Ainslie and Anne ready to hit the stage!